This section is not the first Lesson for this course. The first Lesson is under the section called “Lessons” and is called “History of Yoga and Hatha Yoga Styles”, so you do no need to watch all of the Zoom recordings before starting your coursework. You will come back this section throughout this course to watch the recordings that go along with the Lessons for this course.

Live Training Videos Disclaimer

Aura Wellness Center provides live classes/sessions for some of our training courses. These live classes/sessions are typically conducted through meeting software by popular providers. The provider of the meeting software may be changed, at any time, to ensure the best possible experience for our students. If a change in software occurs, students will always be alerted via email, a Student Portal Notification, and/or text, that a change has occurred.

In these classes/sessions, students are welcomed and encouraged to participate. The software does display the name you provide to the audience. If you choose to enable your camera or mic, you will be seen and/or heard during the live class/session. This also pertains to the recordings that are posted for students, who miss a live session. Recordings, which are posted weekly to this Portal, for access by all enrolled students, will provide (visually, written, and audibly) everything during the live session. This includes the lesson with the instructor, as well as any student participation.

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